Minggu, 16 Mei 2010
Gempa Besar Mengamcam Padang II
Gempa Besar Mengamcam Padang I
Tsunami threat in the Indian Ocean from a future megathrust earthquake west of Sumatra
John McCloskey, Andrea Antonioli,etc
Several independent indicators imply a high probability of a great (M > 8) earthquake rupture of the subduction megathrust under the
The human consequences of such an event depend crucially on its tsunamigenic potential, which in turn depends on unpredictable details of slip distribution on the megathrust and how resulting seafloor movements and the propagating tsunami waves interact with bathymetry. Here we address the forward problem by modelling about 1000 possible complex earthquake ruptures and calculating the seafloor displacements and tsunami wave height distributions that would result from the most likely 100 or so, as judged by reference to paleogeodetic data. Additionally we carry out a systematic study of the importance of the location of maximum slip with respect to the morphology of the fore-arc complex. Our results indicate a generally smaller regional tsunami hazard than was realised in Aceh during the December 2004 event, though more than 20% of simulations result in tsunami wave heights of more than 5 m for the southern Sumatran cities of